2024 Biennial Convention Report
Forty-one gathered together on October 19, 2024, at “Living Water,” the 2024 Central/Southern Illinois Synod Women of the ELCA Biennial Convention at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Springfield, to conduct business and participate in the program of events. Six of those were guest speakers. Nine units (congregations) attended with 18 voting delegates.
Attendees of the biennial convention after the worship service.
This year's scripture theme verse was, “Those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty” (John 4:14). Convention organizer and board member Deacon Pat Caley, along with the board, organized and executed an exciting, productive event with something for everyone. The Biennial was jam-packed with business meetings, delicious food, fair trade shopping, fellowship, fun, worship, reader’s theater, crafts, and learning.
Attendees were blessed by the following special guests: Elizabeth Hunter, Katie Voris, Pastor Lisa Dietrich, and Bishop Greg Busboom. Thrivent representatives attended and supported the event and the living water theme. Parish Nursing was also represented.
Three business meetings were held throughout the day to elect new WELCA synod executive leaders and board, conference representatives, 2026 Triennial Convention delegates, and a new member-at-large board position.
Guests also enjoyed a delicious breakfast and lunch, shopped fair trade, got crafty, and walked for water. Giveaways included hand-made prayer shawls, decorated wooden wishing well centerpieces, planter door prizes, and more.
For the convention offering, $1,650 was collected for Lutheran World Relief during worship that will be used to purchase 55 ceramic water filters from the ELCA Good Gifts catalog. A generous donor matched the offering 100 percent, which resulted in the total collected amount.
Attendees learned more about the Woman at the Well (from John 4) and Katie Von Bora and heard churchwide reports from the ELCA, WELCA, Thrivent, Parish Nursing, and fair trade. The Walk for Water activity, based on an activity from the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering, highlighted Lutheran World Relief’s efforts to improve water access and quality and women in sub-Saharan Africa who walk miles for water every day.
Biennial Convention Highlights
Registration and check-in began at 8:30 a.m. Registrants enjoyed delicious breakfast items provided by the women of Grace Lutheran Church in Springfield.
Pat Caley welcomed all attendees and opened the convention. President Helen Flatau introduced the board, conference representatives, and special honored guests:
Churchwide Representative Elizabeth Hunter, editor of Gather Magazine
Karen Voris, Katie's Fund representative
Pastor Lisa Dietrich, convention chaplain
Bishop Greg Busboom, Central/Southern Illinois Synod representative
Pastor Lisa Dietrich shared a video, based on John 4, and led a water-filled devotion.
Pastor Lisa Dietrich delivers a devotion.
Kathy Olesuk and Nancy Schmidt spoke about the current water crisis in many third-world countries today and the harsh conditions women face daily to fetch water for their families. They introduced the “Walk for Water” activity done at the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering.
Biennial Convention attendees experienced a simulation of what it is like to walk for water in third-world countries by carrying a jug of water and experiencing such things as floods and waterborne diseases. Everyone who walked got a disease and had to stop at the clinic.
Walk for water; “clinic” workers Nancy and Helen are in white.
After the 20-minute walk, all returned for the wrap-up, which included a video, quiz, and discussion about their experience. Nancy announced that it costs $30 for a ceramic reusable water filter jar from the ELCA Good Gifts catalog. The offering collected during worship would be used to purchase the water filters. In addition, a generous anonymous donor matched the offering up to $1,000.
Churchwide representative and Gather Magazine editor Elizabeth Hunter shared information about WELCA and Gather. She informed guests that on Saturday, December 21, at 7:00 p.m., WELCA is offering an hour-long virtual Blue Christmas service for anyone dealing with pressure, loss, or grief during the holidays. The registration link will soon be available on the WELCA website.
As the editor of Gather magazine, Ms. Hunter said that while there may be differences and divisions on some of the articles published in the magazine, each brings a different perspective, and reminded us that there is “no division in Christ.” She announced an upcoming December devotional called “In God’s Garden: What fig trees teach us about Advent.”
Guest speakers Elizabeth Hunter (left) and Karen Voris.
Mission chair Pat Caley added that attendees who didn't currently receive Gather magazine could sign up for a free one year subscription at the WELCA display table. (ed. note: the board gifted nine women with one year Gather subscriptions.)
After lunch, Karen Voris, Katie's Fund representative, spoke about the million dollar fund goal.
Bishop Greg Busboom, C/SIS Representative, gave a synod update. The synod’s focus is on supporting congregations. The synod’s new mission statement is “nurturing communities of disciples, equipped for Christ’s mission.”
Readers Theater: the woman (Pastor Lisa Dietrich) meets Jesus (Bishop Greg Busboom) at the well.
Next, guests enjoyed a dramatization of John 4, The Woman at the Well and Living Water written by Deacon Pat Caley and presented by the board members and Bishop Busboom, who played Jesus. Pastor Lisa Dietrich was the woman at the well.
Nurse Sandy Reifsteck Rueter from the Lutheran Faith Community Nurse Association, spoke next. She encouraged nurses to apply and seek more information at lutheranfcna@gmail.com for a rewarding experience.
Wishing well centerpiece.
Sharon Zuiderveld, West Central Conference representative, displayed several beautiful prayer shawls that were hand-made by her sister. Sharon invited women to take a shawl at no cost or give one to someone.
David Manning from Thrivent spoke briefly and reminded attendees that members can apply for “Thrivent Action Team” dollars and provided examples. He explained that every Thrivent member is entitled to a water filter or solar light build, by logging into their Thrivent account, and selecting “Generosity.”
The third business meeting continued with President Flatau announcing that the board had nominated Jean Scherer for the new position of “member at large”. President Flatau then called for a vote to affirm the nominated board for the 2024-2026 term.
The following candidates were unanimously approved by vote: Pat Caley, president; Kathy Olesuk, vice president; Elaine Frerichs, secretary; Nancy Schmidt, treasurer; Jill Sproat, mission chair; Mary Jo Erickson, East Central Conference representative; Bobbi Thomas, Northeast Conference representative.; Bev Gross, Northern Conference representative; Linda Davis, Southern Conference representative; and Sharon Zuiderveld, West/Central Conference representative.
After the business meeting, beautiful wooden “water well” table centerpieces filled with potpourri, fall flowers, and decorations were given away as door prizes.
The day ended with worship, holy communion, and installation of the newly elected board members. The service was led by Pastor Lisa Dietrich, Deacon Pat Caley, and Bishop Greg Busboom. Elizabeth Hunter installed the new board during worship.
The offering was collected for Lutheran World Relief. Outgoing president Helen Flatau was recognized for her dedicated service, as was former treasurer Penny Madlinger.
Smiling faces leaving after worship.
Note: The Biennial Convention was live-stream recorded by the dedicated sound engineers that helped with sound and visuals all day.
Thank you to St. John’s Lutheran Church for hosting the convention, and to everyone who participated at this year’s Biennial Convention!