2024 Northeast Conference Fall Gathering
The Fall Gathering of the Northeast Conference WELCA was held on October 5th at St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church in GIlman.
Registration began at 9:00, after which we were welcomed by Mary Ann Schuler, president of the St. Paul Women of the ELCA. Pastor Pete Hinrich of St. Paul gave opening devotions based on Romans 8:22-27, concerning our hope and faith in times of suffering during which the Holy Spirit intercedes for us in accordance to God’s will. The theme verse, also from Romans, states, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him” (Romans 15:13).
Following Pastor’s devotion and prayer, we enjoyed a delicious assortment of breakfast casseroles, muffins, coffee cakes, and fruit.
The business meeting followed in the sanctuary, led by Northeast Conference President Carol Hanlon. Recorder Jean Harrison read the roll call and the minutes from the Spring Gathering. Bobbi Thomas, Central/Southern Illinois Synod Women of the ELCA liaison, reported on upcoming events at the synod level.
The program, presented by Mrs. Angie Wagner, was titled “Recharge.” Like Jesus, we all need a time for that in our overly busy lives. We learned how to take a deep breath and call on the Holy Spirit to come to us. She used examples from of God’s unpredictable timing in the lives of King David, Sarai and Hagar, and the woman at the well. Their lives were all changed by the Holy Spirit helping them to start anew according to God’s will for them.
We closed with prayer and the singing of the hymn “Great is Thy Faithfulness.”
Our total attendance was 45, including guests and representing 10 of our 21 member churches. The physical offering yielded a good number of items for the LWR school and personal care kits. The monetary offering amounted to $585, of which half went to synod women’s organization and half to ELCA Disaster Response for hurricane relief. Our excess funds of $160 were also designated for hurricane relief, bringing that amount to $452.50.
Still needed is a host for our Spring Gathering on April 5th, 2025.