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C/SIS WELCA Biennial Convention

  • St. John's Lutheran Church 2477 West Washington Street Springfield, IL, 62702 United States (map)

The C/SIS Women of the ELCA’s Biennial Convention will be held on Saturday, October 19, at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Springfield. Business includes election of board members, election of voting members to the 2026 Women of the ELCA convention in Des Moines, Iowa, sharing stories, meeting churchwide representatives, and shopping Fair Trade. Registration begins at 8:30, and the program starts at 9:00.

The theme for this year’s convention is “Living Water” (John 4:14): learn about the woman who meets Jesus at the well and explore how women in third world countries still struggle to get clean water for their families.

Bishop Greg Busboom of our Central/Southern Illinois Synod will bring greetings, and he will stay to play Jesus in our play about the woman at the well. Pastor Lisa Dietrich from St. Paul Lutheran Church, Peoria, will serve as convention chaplain. Elizabeth Hunter, editor of “Gather” magazine, will be our representative from the churchwide organization, and Karen Voris will speak about Katie’s Fund.

Support our local food pantry — bring a non-perishable food item to place in the wishing well.

The cost is $25 and includes a light breakfast and lunch. Scholarships are available. Should you have any questions about the convention, please contact Deacon Pat Caley.

Earlier Event: October 5
Northeast Conference Fall Gathering
Later Event: March 29
Southern Conference Spring Gathering